This is the Tuesday after opening weekend of MAMMA MIA! at Pentacle Theatre, Salem, OR. SUPERFAN had to wait until today to write this blog entry because after opening Friday night followed by a Saturday night show, and then a Sunday matinee, I took yesterday to come back to earth--SUPERFAN was flying high!
During Lovie's (Actor Kelli Jaecks') previous shows, I was impressed with, and learned from her consistent preparation each show day. Because I play two different characters, my preparation starts at 4 hours before show time--at 3:30 pm each show day. It is at this time, I start the metamorphosis into these two characters--hair, make-up and costuming (I have no more details because at this time SUPERFAN will not divulge his beauty secrets.)
When I arrive 2 hours before show time, I enjoy seeing the variety of preparation rituals in each member of the cast and crew. Each night, it is impossible for me to loose all of my SUPERFAN persona, because everyone involved with this show is professional-level. I will not even miss mic check! The singing, the dancing, the choreography. I worship these people! Then mix in sound, light, set, tech, back stage, costume changes and we have a wonderful show! I am blown away by the talent that I perform with on stage--the best participatory journalism project ever! It is like me being able to play tennis with Rafael Nadal as my doubles partner!
One of the best compliments that I received on opening night was, "your interactions with your characters appeared real and engaging!" It does not matter, If I am fixing and serving a drink as the bartender, or acting as Father Alexandrios, when I interact with another character on stage , my love for the character (and talent) is genuine. I am lucky to be a SUPERFAN of LOVE the entire time I am on stage (and backstage)! Thank you to Robert Salberg and the production team, along with my fellow actors and crew for leading this SUPERFAN of LOVE to act from my heart! They know that this is the way to keep me from freekin' out!
I could not have imagined the high level of excitement that I felt on opening night! I felt like part of the Theater performing family, and I hope my acting reflected my LOVE! At the afterparty in the Pentacle Theatre lobby, regular objects of my SUPERFANDOM, Pentacle Theatre icons Heather Toller and Brian Toller, came dressed as SUPERFANS of ME--including white pants and white tennis shoes!
I am thankful for all you, my friends and fellow SUPERFANS for coming to see me in MAMMA MIA! at Pentacle Theatre. For those of you who cannot see this fabulous production, I hope my site helps you unleash your inner SUPERFAN in your life to spread love, peace, healing, and happiness!