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Born and raised in Wisconsin, I came into the world as Superfan of the Green Bay Packers. As for baseball, during my childhood, the Braves moved from Milwaukee, Wisconsin to Atlanta. The Baseball gene comes from my mother’s side—Italian immigrants coming to America via Ellis Island, Brooklyn, and finally settling in Wisconsin, where my Gramma met my Grampa, Louigi Lattoni, while watching him play ball. My Italian baseball DNA resulted in me being “born” Superfan of the Brooklyn/then Los Angeles Dodgers.

As I grew up, I developed lasting Superfan relationships in arts and entertainment that were just as strong as in professional sports. My favorite Superfan story involves love! I am Superfan of live theatre, especially Salem’s own Pentacle Theatre. I am an extreme Superfan when my lovie, Kelli Jaecks, is performing. Each night of her runs in Seussical, Legally Blonde, Midsummer Night’s Dream, and Chicago, I chose a different character to inspire my Superfan outfit for that night.
After a gratifying 35-year career as a general surgeon, in September of 2018, I suffered a career ending, life-threatening, complete breakdown due to burnout, exhaustion, and sleep deprivation. This resulted in PTSD, anxiety disorder and depression. I have had excellent nutritional, medical, psychological, and complementary care, including EMDR therapy.
My Superfan persona has been a major part of my healing. I hope that my Superfan adventures will spread love, peace, healing, and happiness and even prevent burnout!